• Guide to using G-WOW Model
  • Outreach Resources
  • How to create a G-WOW Institute
  • G-WOW News & Opportunities
  • Lesson Plans

Outreach Resources

  • ACTIVITY: Create Your G-WOW Model

    Use this template to create your own G-WOW model to investigate climate change by integrating place-based evidence you are observing in your culture and community with science. See an example of how this model can be used to investigate climate impacts on the cultural activity of wild rice harvesting.

  • ACTIVITY: Beings on the Move-Middle School to Adult

    Learn how different plant and animal beings are being affected by climate change through this interactive activity where participants are engaged in showing how some beings may be moving on. Instructions and being "cards" are included.
  • "Beings on the Move Activity"-Elementary School Version

    This version of the "Beings on the Move" activity is suitable for grades 2-4. This includes the instructor guide, "Being" cards, and power point slides to review the basic elements that make up a plant or animal's habitat. 
  • ACTIVITY: Forests on the Move- Instructions

    This activity helps learners of all ages visualize how the composition of trees within Wisconsin and Great Lakes forests may change due to climate change. It can be conducted in any forested area, school forest, or backyard woodlot and is based on research conducted by the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science-US Forest Service. 

    Be sure to download the complete activity package includes the following materials that are individually posted in this PDF resource section:
    • Forests on the Move: Activity Instructions
    • Forests on the Move: High Emissions Table 
    • Forests on the Move: Low Emissions Table
    A power point presentation titled "Wisconsin's Changing Forests" can be found under "power point resource" and provides place-based and scientific research on how climate is affecting forests. This provides an excellent introduction prior to doing this activity.
  • Forests on the Move Activity- Higher Emissions Table

    This is "High Emissions" chart used in the "Forests on the Move" Activity. It provides an easy reference list of tree species that might be "moving on" in a climate future with higher carbon emissions. This table can be laminated for easier use in outdoor settings. Be sure to download the "Low Emissions" chart which is posted separately in this G-WOW resource section.
  • Forests on the Move Activity- Lower Emissions Table

    This table the Low Emissions table used with the "Forests on the Move" Activity to determine which trees may be "moving on" in a climate future with lower carbon emissions.  This table may be laminated for outdoor use. Be sure to download the "High Emissions" table that is included in this G-WOW resource section
  • ACTIVITY: Using Comics to Connect Climate Change & Culture

    Looking for a novel way to communication about climate change?  Learn how to use comics to connect learners with climate change through this program developed by Choua Xiong. Watch this video to learn more: 
  • ACTIVITY: G-WOW Phenology Wheels of Time Lesson Plan

    The Wheels of Time and Place are based on a very simple concept…the Circle. Circles are everywhere in Nature, and time itself can be thought of a circular rather than linear. Completing a G-WOW Phenology Wheel encourages us to see and think about time, life cycles, and interrelated species in a holistic, rather than linear and separated way. Seen as part of a whole system, we begin to understand how one thing affects everything else around it. We emerge with a feeling that we too are part of something bigger…our personal human cycles of days, months, seasons, and years are part of a larger cycle.


    Instructions for the Web of Life activity where a facilitator and participants weave a web to represent the interconnectedness of people and natural resources, and the importance of sustaining those connections.
  • ACTIVITY: Climate Action Planning Tool Activity

    This planning tool uses the Ojibwe values of respect, relationships, responsibility, and reciprocity to ask questions helpful in considering how to take action on climate change. The users poses a question then reflects on what they bring to a project, then proceeds through questions posed in each of the values, and ends with reflecting on what they have learned or taken out of the process. 
  • RESOURCE: A Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu

    The Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu (TAM) was developed to provide a framework for integrating indigenous and traditional knowledge, culture, language, and history into the traditionally "western" focused climate adaptation. The TAM's "Guidelines for Interacting With Tribes" chapter shares how to  develop culturally appropriate climate adaptation actions with indigenous communities.
  • RESOURCE: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment-Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission

    An excellent source of TEK, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission research applies Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), from interviews with Ojibwe elders, harvesters, and knowledge keepers to assess the vulnerability of 60 beings (species), with detailed research on 11 beings.  


    Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Version 2 Version 2 "Aanji-bimaadiziimagak
    o’ow aki" is now available here. 

  • RESOURCE: 2020 WICCI Wisconsin Climate Maps

    These maps show historic changes in Wisconsin's  temperature, precipitation, drought, winter temperatures, and extreme storm events from 1950-2010 and projected changes in these climate variables from 2040-2060.  How might these changes affect cultural, recreational, or economic activities you value?
  • RESOURCE: Honorable Harvest Poster-Placement

    This beautiful poster-placemat show shares information about Ojibwe treaty rights, traditions, and values that are part of the "Honorable Harvest." Made available by the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) Natural Resources Department.
  • RESOURCE: Guidelines for Considering Traditional Knowledge in Climate Change Initiatives

    The G-WOW model integrates traditional ecological knowledge of the Lake Superior Ojibwe people. This brochure gives the basics of what to consider when planning for integration of traditional indigenous knowledge into climate change outreach and policies. For the full report, please see 
  • RESOURCE: 2021 Northern WI/Upper Peninsula Climate Change Tree Changes

    As the climate continues to change, tree species will likely respond individually, depending on their particular silvics and ecological tolerances, making specific tools targeted towards individual species even more important. The new projections cover large landscapes in Northern Wisconsin and Michigan's Upper Peninsula, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Find projections for other US landscapes at  
  • RESOURCE: Change Change Impacts on Water in National Parks

    This power point presentation, in PDF format, offers place-based and scientific evidence of current and projected climate change impacts on the Great Lakes, particularly focusing on Lake Superior impacts.  Connections between the environment, people, and economies in a changing climate are illustrated. The presentation was featured at the 2016 G-WOW "Hear the Water Speak" Institute by Brenda Moraska Lafrancois, PhD; Regional Aquatic Ecologist-National Park Service.
  • RESOURCE: Teaching STEM In Ways that Build Respect

    Indigenous ways of knowing are sometimes thought to be in opposition to and detrimental to the learning of Western Science or STEM. Consequently, indigenous ways of knowing are rarely engaged to support learning. If STEM learning is to be meaningful and transformative for Indigenous youth, respecting Indigenous peoples rights and related critical issues,  including Indigenous STEM, settler-colonialism, and decolonization, must be understood and explicitly addressed in Indigenous youths’ informal and formal STEM learning experiences. 
  • How to Use the G-WOW Model to Build Climate Awareness & Action

    This power point demonstrates how to use the G-WOW model to weave indigenous, place-base, and scientific ecological knowledge to build climate awareness and action.

  • Making Climate Change Come Alive

    This presentation was given on 6/3/2019 for the International Symposium on Society and Natural Resources to provide training on using the G-WOW model's interpretive framework for increasing effectiveness of climate communication. 
  • End of Winter As We Know It- Ice Cover Change at Bayfield Harbor

    This powerpoint examines place-based evidence of climate change on Lake Superior ice cover. Originally researched by Forrest Howk when he was a high school student, it demonstrates how the length of time ice covers Bayfield Harbor has been decreasing from the late from the 1800's to present. Presenter: Neil Howk-Assistant Chief of Interpretation and Education, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. 
  • Ojibwe: A Connected People

    This powerpoint, developed by Damon Panek-Ranger with the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, integrates historic photos and Ojibwe language to share how the Ojibwe people are connected with the environment and affected by climate change.  As climate changes, the Ojibwe are adapting their language and cultural practices.
  • Making Sense of Climate Change Research

    This 2016 G-WOW "Hear the Water Speak" Institute presentation demonstrates how science is uncovering evidence of how the climate is changing and why. Presenter: Brian Zimmerman-UW Madison, Nelson Institute.
  • Climate Science in the Classroom and Community

    This 2016 G-WOW "Hear the Water Speak" Institute power point presentation gives tips for communicating about climate change, risk, and strategies for adaptation and mitigation of climate impacts. Presenter: Brian Zimmerman, UW-Madison, Nelson Institute.
  • Wisconsin's Changing Forests

    This 2016 G-WOW "Hear the Water Speak" Institute power point presentation provides place-based and scientific research based evidence of how Wisconsin's forests, and Great Lakes forests, may change under climate change. The information presented is based on research from the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS)-US Forest Service. Presenter: Maria Janowiak-NIACS Deputy Director.

    This presentation provides an excellent introduction prior to conducting the Forest Winners & Loser Activity. Instructions and materials for that activity are posted in the PDF resource section.
  • Changing Climate, Changing Culture: Planning a Climate Institute Based on the G-WOW Model

    Create culturally relevant climate change training and outreach that relates to audiences and provokes action. The G-WOW model integrates place-based evidence we experience with science to reveal how climate change is affecting our communities and economies. Weaving in indigenous knowledge, the G-WOW model provides a baseline for evaluating how climate change is affecting all cultures.
  • Vignette 1: Changing Climate, Changing Culture

    It’s all about place: interpreting climate change within a cultural context we value, using evidence we experience.
  • Vignette 2: The Basics- Applying the G-WOW Model

    Learn how to integrate culture and science to create culturally relevant climate change outreach.
  • Vignette 3: Developing a Climate Institute

    Steps for creating effective professional development using the G-WOW climate literacy model.
  • Vignette 4: Guiding for Tomorrow

    Your scorecard for success!
  • NEW: How to Use Comics to Communicate About Climate Change

    Engage students in communicating about climate change stories using artful storytelling by using comics . Though this is not a formal art course, it will tap into the visual and linguistic creativity of students; empowering them to construct their narrative of climate change that is fun and engaging, all the while being informative and compelling. For written course syllabus, please jump over to the G-WOW Outreach PDF's and look for this title. 

  • Forests on the Move Activity

    Stephen Handler-Climate Scientists with the USDA's Northern Institute on Applied Climate Science (NIACS) demonstrates the "Forest on the Move Activity" with teachers attending a G-WOW Institute. This fun activity is a great way to visually demonstrate potential changes in our forests under different climate change scenarios. It's perfect for school or backyard forests. Complete "Forest on the Move Activity" instructions and forest species information under high and low climate "scenarios" can be found in "Outreach Resources" under the "pdf" tab.
  • Wild Rice and Climate Change Field Tour

    Join Naomi Tillison-Bad River Tribal Natural Resource Department for a tour on the Kakagon Sloughs to investigate place-based evidence of how a changing climate may affect wild rice ("manoomin" in Ojibwe). This video is an abbreviated version of the full 2-hour trip through the beautiful Kakagon Sloughs and wild rice beds of the Bad River Tribe of the Lake Superior Ojibwe.
  • Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Inland Fisheries

    Join Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission's Fisheries Biologist Mark Luehring for a presentation on how climate is affecting fish species and cultural lifeways of fishing.